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1. Q: I’m concerned that I could get COVID-19 from your products.  What are you doing to prevent contamination of your products?

A: All our canned and pouched shelf-stable, refrigerated and frozen seafood products undergo a scientifically determined high heat sterilization process designed to provide a commercially sterile product that is free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, which might cause illness. In addition, our highly trained personnel follow stringent quality control procedures during processing in order to ensure that the product provided to the consumer is of the highest quality.  The following Canadian government website can give you up to date COVID-19 information and associated information on Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulated food products.  Clover Leaf Seafoods’ canned and pouched seafood products are a great addition to any Be-Prepared list.

 2. Q: I understand that your products are heat sterilized, but doesn’t that only protect me from the product inside the can or pouch?  Can’t the outside of the package be contaminated after heat treatment?

A: Our processes are highly automated and very little human touching occurs after the product is heat treated, packaged and distributed.  The heat treatment renders the outside of the package free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses that might cause illness and the likelihood of contamination by human touching is minimal.  Once packaged in cases for distribution, the product is sent to warehouses and grocery customers where it sits for several weeks prior to being placed on the store shelves.  In the case of viruses, such as COVID-19, research has shown that viruses are not active after 2 – 9 days, so it is extremely unlikely that you would be infected.  The Canadian government advises that the risk of spread from products shipped over a period of days or weeks at room temperature is extremely low.

 3. Q: Are there any COVID-19 safety concerns regarding your products from China?

A: No, there are not any concerns.  The processing facilities in China and other countries undergo the same comprehensive inspecting, auditing and monitoring that all Clover Leaf facilities undergo.  The canned shelf-stable seafood products from these facilities undergo a scientifically determined high heat sterilization process designed to provide a commercially sterile product that is free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses that might cause illness.  Our Quality Assurance Department does preliminary inspections on representative samples before they leave China to ensure that all products entering Canada meet Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) standards, and we are confident that our products meet stringent regulations and standards.  The Canadian government advises that the risk of spread from products shipped over a period of days or weeks at room temperature is very low.  There is no known risk of coronaviruses entering Canada on parcels or packages coming from affected regions in China.

4. Q: Your product says it is from China.  Will I get COVID-19 from eating the product?

A: No, there are not any concerns.  The processing facilities in China and other countries undergo the same comprehensive inspecting, auditing and monitoring that all Clover Leaf facilities undergo.  The canned and pouched products from these facilities undergo a scientifically determined high heat sterilization process designed to provide a commercially sterile product that is free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, which might cause illness.  Our Quality Assurance Department does preliminary inspections on representative samples before they leave China to ensure that all products entering Canada meet Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) standards, and we are confident that our products meet stringent regulations and standards.

5. Q: Have any of your suppliers from China or elsewhere been affected?

A: No, they have not been affected.  We are in continuous contact with them to ensure that there is no disruption in supply and have contingency plans in place to shift to other suppliers if needed.

6. Q: What type of policies do you have in place for the safety of your products?

A: All our canned and pouch products undergo a scientifically determined high heat sterilization process designed to provide a commercially sterile product that is free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses that might cause illness. In addition, our highly trained personnel follow stringent quality control, GMP & personal hygiene procedures during processing in order to ensure that the product provided to the consumer is of the highest quality.  

7. Q: Are your policies and practices consistent with public health recommendations and federal & provincial laws?

A: Yes, we are confident that our products meet all the stringent government regulations and standards, and we believe that the procedures in place will ensure the continued safety of our products.  We have been inspecting, auditing and monitoring the facilities that produce our products based upon these government standards for many years.  Reviews of our supplier programs are on-going and have always been a part of the quality assurance program at Clover Leaf Seafoods.   We continue to monitor advice from the Canadian government to ensure that any change in standards are immediately implemented within our supply chain.  The following Canadian government website can give you up to date COVID-19 information and associated information on Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulated food products.

8. Q: Should we be concerned when the product is sourced from foreign countries?

A: No, there are not any concerns.  The processing facilities in other countries undergo the same comprehensive inspecting, auditing and monitoring that all Clover Leaf facilities undergo.  The canned and pouched products from these facilities undergo a scientifically determined high heat sterilization process designed to provide a commercially sterile product that is free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses, including COVID-19, which might cause illness.  Our Quality Assurance Department does preliminary inspections on representative samples before they leave other countries to ensure that all products entering Canada meet Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) standards, and we are confident that our products meet stringent regulations and standards.

 9. Q: What is Clover Leaf doing to prevent COVID-19 from impacting your employees?

A: Clover Leaf continues to monitor COVID-19 to ensure the safety of our employees.   We have developed tiered contingency plans in the event the situation worsens, and people are unable to come to work as regularly scheduled. We are encouraging employees that can work from home to do so, for a period time and have provided them appropriate tools to allow them to be effective in a remote setting.  Additionally, our Human Resources Team is making additional resources available to our employees to address questions & concerns, as well as, how to protect oneself, family and co-workers.   

10. Q: Would distribution of your products become a problem?

A: We are in a solid position to service orders for currently planned and forecasted volumes across most items in our portfolio.  We have business plans in place for a successful start to 2020 and should have no issue meeting and servicing these base plans.  We are deploying measures immediately to ensure we maintain supply continuity.  At Clover Leaf Seafoods, the team is committed to our central value of “Finding A Way” and we have already begun to aggressively mobilize to support spiking demand.  We are accelerating purchasing of raw materials, adding production days in our factories, and expending our sourcing efforts broadly to accommodate increased shopping and consumption over the coming months.

11. Q: Is your company making plans to address potential employee absenteeism and transportation disruption?

A: Clover Leaf Seafoods continues to monitor COVID-19 to ensure the safety of our employees.   We have developed tiered contingency plans in the event the situation worsens, and people are unable to come to work as regularly scheduled. We are encouraging employees that can work from home to do so, for a period time and have provided them appropriate tools to allow them to be effective in a remote setting.   

12. Q: Are you providing your employees with supplemental training on hygiene and to stay away from work if they are sick?

A: In our manufacturing facilities our policies require that employees who are sick not work in contact with food and we have rigorous standards for hand washing and personal hygiene.  With the recent COVID-19 outbreak we have reinforced the training with our manufacturing employees and trained office personnel, as well.  We’ve asked all employees to follow advice recommended by government agencies to mitigate the COVID-19 outbreak which includes:

  1. 1. Wash your hands frequently with soap for at least 20 seconds.
  2. 2. Maintain social distancing - at least 2 meters (6 feet) between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  3. 3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  4. 4. Practice respiratory hygiene (covering you mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze).
  5. 5. If you have fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, stay away from work and seek medical care early.
  6. 6. Stay informed and follow advice given by federal and provincial government agencies.

Further guidance on measures to limit the risk of transmission can be found at the following Canadian government site:

 13. Q: Are there any policies in place with respect to food that was prepared in the presence of an employee who is sick infected with the COVID-19?

A: Our policies require that employees who are sick not work in contact with food.  Additionally, in the event that an employee is infected with COVID-19 and is not aware, all of our canned and pouched products undergo a scientifically determined high heat sterilization process designed to provide a commercially sterile product that is free of any organisms, such as bacteria and viruses that might cause illness. In addition, our highly trained personnel follow stringent quality control procedures during processing in order to ensure that the product provided to the consumer is of the highest quality.   

 14. Q: What can I do to prevent from getting infected with the COVID-19?

A: Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses you are likely familiar with including the common cold and more severe diseases like MERS and SARS.  On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) assessed COVID-19 as a pandemic.  Most people who become infected with the coronavirus experience mild illness and recover, however, it can be more sever for other.  People of all ages can be infected by coronavirus.  Those with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, and heart disease, and old people are the most susceptible to becoming severely ill with the virus.  Signs of the virus include respiratory symptoms like cough and shortness of breath accompanied by fever.  If you experiencing these symptoms contact to health care provider immediately.  The Canadian government has excellent information for keeping up to speed with the rapidly changing situation.  The link is below:

15. Q: Is your company ready in the event of a COVID-19 spread?

A: The company has recently withdrawn participation from all business conferences and large group gatherings.  We are also preventing business travel for a period and restricting outside visitors to our offices and facilities to only those that are critical to operations.  We will continue to monitor the situation and make necessary adjustments to our policies as the need arises.  

 16. Q: What additional actions would the company be willing to take to prevent a COVID-19 outbreak?

A: We remain committed to monitoring the situation and communicating as needed.  Clover Leaf Seafoods will establish further mitigation plans if they are needed and will take appropriate action when required by government officials.  

 17. Q: How would you inform your customers, employees, suppliers and the general public?

A: We are in constant contact with our employees, supplier partners and customers to let them know what we are doing and what we need them to do.  We remain committed to monitoring the situation and communicating as needed.  Clover Leaf Seafoods will establish further mitigation plans if they are needed and will take appropriate action when required by government officials. 


Product Information

1. Q: Where can I purchase Brunswick Sardines and Seafood Snacks?

A: Brunswick products are sold at most major grocery stores in Canada, as well as a number of international locations. They can be found in the canned seafood section. If you require assistance, please contact us and we will be happy to help you locate a retailer in your province.

2. Q: What is a herring? What is a sardine?

A: To learn about herring and sardines, please see our Sardine School page. A sardine, as recognized worldwide under international Codex standards, is any one of several species of small, saltwater fish in the herring family that are cooked and canned in a special way. The North Atlantic herring (canned in Brunswick products) is a small saltwater fish that is also known by its scientific name, Clupea harengus. These fish travel in huge schools and live in the cold waters of the open ocean ranging from Greenland to North Carolina.

3. Q: What are "Genetically Modified Organisms" (GMOs)? Does Brunswick sell any?

A: GMOs are living things that have had changes introduced into their genetic material to enhance specific natural properties like pest or disease resistance. Some examples of GMOs currently being researched are vitamin-enriched rice and fast-growing salmon. To learn more, see this article by Nature.

Brunswick does not sell any genetically modified fish. All of our sardines are wild-caught. The soya oil used in some of our products, however, may be genetically modified. Current regulations do not require the identification and labeling of GMOs, so consequently, our products containing refined soybean oil may or may not be produced from GM soybeans. Labeling either as “containing” or “not containing” could be equally inaccurate.

4. Q: What is the best way to open a can of BRUNSWICK Sardines or Seafood Snacks?

A: 1. Place the can on a flat surface such as a table or countertop.

2. Hold the can firmly at one end with one hand and with the ring accessible at the other end.

3. With your other hand, lift the ring until it touches the rim of the can to break the score. Make sure you bring the ring back to touch the rim.

4. Pull the ring up and back at approximately a 45 degree angle until the lid is nearly removed from the can. Be careful to avoid the sharp edges of the lid.

5. To completely remove the lid and avoid any splattering, gently move the lid back and forth until it snaps off the can.


Preparation & Storage

5. Q: Do BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks need to be refrigerated?

A: No, BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks are shelf stable and do not need to be refrigerated unless they are opened. To maximize shelf life, they should be stored in a cool, dry place. After opening, they can be kept in a refrigerator in a sealed container for a maximum of four days.

6. Q: Do I need to cook BRUNSWICK canned seafood products?

A: No, you do not need to cook BRUNSWICK canned seafood products. We’ve already done the cooking for you. Our canned seafood products are conveniently ready-to-eat. Our products can also be used as ingredients in dishes that do require further cooking.

7. Q: What is the shelf life of BRUNSWICK Sardines & Seafood Snacks canned products?

A: Brunswick products are printed with a Best Before date for recommended best quality use. Our canned products may be safely stored for several years in a cool, dry place, as long as the cans are not bulged, leaking, or otherwise damaged, and the seams around the lid are intact. (If these conditions are present, the product should not be consumed.) Palatability (taste) may be affected over prolonged time periods, especially under adverse storage conditions such as high temperature. It is recommended, therefore, that canned sardine inventories be rotated every one to two years to assure the best quality.


Health & Dietary Concerns

8. Q: What are the nutritional benefits of eating BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks?

A: BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks contain a powerhouse of nutrients including omega-3s, calcium, protein, iron, vitamin D and selenium. Please see the next question for more information.

9. Q: What are Omega–3s and why are they important?

A: Omega-3s are a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid required to maintain good health. They are one of the "good fats". Eating foods that contain omega-3s, like sardines, has been linked to reducing the risk factors for several major diseases.

Doctors have long recognized that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish appear to reduce the risk of heart disease, as well as playing a crucial role in brain development and normal functioning. Apart from these, the EPA and DHA found in fish and seafood offer many other important health benefits, including:

  • lowering blood pressure and cholesterol
  • decreasing risk of stroke and blood clots
  • reducing the risk of macular degeneration, the leading cause of age-related vision loss in Canada
  • aiding in fetal development and infant brain, eye, and nervous system development
  • alleviating symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory diseases
  • protecting against certain cancers such as breast, colon, and prostate
  • boosting the body’s immunity
  • may help prevent type-2 diabetes

For more information, check out our articles on Omega-3s.

10. Q: Are BRUNSWICK Sardines & Seafood Snacks Kosher?

A: Yes, all BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks are certified Kosher under the Orthodox Union. The encircled U that appears on the packaging indicates Kosher certification.

11. Q: Do BRUNSWICK canned seafood products contain any preservatives or glutens?

A: All BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks contain no preservatives and are gluten-free.

The modified food starch found in some of the sauces is derived from corn. We've updated the packaging and all references to modified food starch have been changed to modified cornstarch so that people with gluten allergies will know that these products can be safely included in their diets.

For more ingredient information on Brunswick products, please see our Products section.

12. Q: Do BRUNSWICK Sardines & Seafood Snacks contain MSG?

A: BRUNSWICK Sardines and Seafood Snacks do not contain MSG (monosodium glutamate). For more ingredient information on Brunswick products, please see our Products section.

13. Q: Should I be concerned about mercury in BRUNSWICK Sardines & Seafood Snacks?

A: No, you should not be concerned about mercury in BRUNSWICK Sardines & Seafood Snacks.

Because mercury has a cumulative effect as it moves up the food chain, small fish (like herring) have the lowest concentration levels, while larger fish (like tilefish and swordfish) can be a concern to consumers.

As added assurance, we operate under Canadian government standards that ensure raw materials are in compliance with government-set safety levels.

14. Q: Do Brunswick cans contain Bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA?

A: 100% of Brunswick packaging has been converted from BPA liners to an alternative.



15. Q: How is herring caught? Is it a sustainable resource?

A: Our herring from eastern North America is caught using mid-water trawlers, purse seines, or weirs. The fishery is jointly managed by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in Canada and by regional fishery councils in the United States. Herring is an extremely prolific and fertile species and, depending on spawning conditions, is subject to inter-year variations that do not necessarily affect the long-term stability of the resource. The Governments of Canada and the United States, with the participation of the fishing industry, work together to ensure that large and healthy stocks of herring will continue to be a sustainable resource. For more information, please visit our Sardine School and Sustainability pages.



© Copyright Brunswick Seafood, 2020. All rights reserved..